First time mums do YouTube

mothers day babies Mother's day vid


When I first found out  I was pregnant, along with all the other things that ran through my mind, I thought “Does this mean I won’t be able to dance anymore?”  For over 10 years I have been to late night rehearsals nearly every week, danced at clubs, events, and even in Rod Laver Arena. I could go out whenever I wanted and come home any time I wanted, even if the sun was coming up. These days I love being at home or at the park watching Baby get so excited when experiencing the most simple everyday things like smiling at a stranger and them smiling back.

In the course of our lives we have many roles to play – a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a granddaughter, a niece, a trainer, a dancer, a mentor, a volunteer, a godmother to name a few. Out of all the roles I’ve had so far being a mother is the most life-changing and the most amazing – such a blessing that we have a cute little miracle to call our own. It is something I could have never understood until I had my own little bubba to take care of and love. I feel that in order for me to give the best of myself to Baby I should continue to pursue my hobbies and things that I am passionate about, like dance, because a happy and fit me means a happy and enthusiastic mummy! So just last week, myself and some first time mummy friends decided to fulfill our goal of creating a Mother’s Day dance video.

It was so much fun but also so very tiring. With the strong direction, editing and choreography from our friends this video has been possible so thank you to AR Films and Lanie De Castro for putting this all together. I also thank our baby daddies for being so supportive and encouraging. It’s funny how these days it’s the simple things in life like being in bed giggling away with my boys that can put the biggest smile on my face and make me feel so much joy. I hope you enjoy our video and if you have any questions or comments please comment down below!

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