Melbourne Mondays – Broadening my palette

Bopha Devi menuBopha Devi menu insideBopha Devi soup dishBopha Devi noodle dishStir fry type dishBopha Devi DSC00145Bopha Devi dessert

Bopha Devi’s dishes – I was caught up in conversation with my besties so sorry I can’t name the dishes for you in the above photos! The staff were very helpful though, so just ask them for their recommendations if you are not sure what dish to order!

Bopha Devi – Yarraville and Docklands 

The thing I love about Melbourne is no matter how long I have lived here I am always discovering new places that are perfect for catching up with friends. Bopha Devi is one of them. A cute little restaurant in Yarraville serving Cambodian cuisine. I have never tried Cambodian cuisine before and its light, fresh tasting dishes had me hooked in one spoonful! With much more understated flavours than other Asian cuisines that I’m used to, the Cambodian food at Bopha was very tasty and elegantly presented. For me the freshness reminded me of the fresh Vietnamese food I ate in Saigon last year and the flavours in the curry dish reminded me a little of Thai food but not as strong.

If you’re looking for a place to catch up with friends on a relaxed weeknight, the Yarraville institution is perfect! For more of a special celebration then I suggest Bopha Devi in the Docklands as it is a lot bigger and the interior a little fancier than its Yarraville sibling.

What is something new that you have tried lately?

Bopha Devi on Urbanspoon

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