Sugar Free Banana Bread

I ate way too many sweets this weekend, topping it off today with my favourite creme brulee cupcake from Cupcake Central in Highpoint. So when deciding what to bake for the week ahead I wanted to try out a sugar free recipe so here goes my first attempt at a sugar free banana loaf courtesy of Babbling Bandit‘s blog! Thanks for the recipe!

Sugar Free Banana Bread Recipe:


125 grams butter
1 cup rice malt syrup
1 egg beaten lightly
3 small-medium ripe bananas
A sprinkle of cinnamon
1.5 cups of wholemeal self raising flour

Sugar alternative


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

2. Melt butter and rice malt syrup in a small saucepan. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Melted butter and rice malt syrup

3. Mash bananas in a large bowl. Add flour and spice.

mashed banana and dry ingredients

3. Combine cooled butter and rice malt syrup with egg then add to banana, flour and spice. Stir until combined.

combine all ingredients

4. Pour batter into lined loaf tin and bake for 50 minutes or until cooked.

I still need to buy a loaf tin so I just ended up using a square cake pan.

in the oven

And the finished product!! Not bad at all for my first try!

Cooked banana bread

The banana bread/cake was so tasty and moist. One thing I would change though, is the cooking time – I must have a higher setting oven because the above pics were taken at only 40 minutes of cooking time and you can see how brown it is already! Next time I cook this recipe I will try baking it for around 30-35 minutes to see how I go. The square tin is also probably a lot more shallow than if I had put the banana mixture in a loaf tin so when you try it for yourself just keep an eye it and use a skewer to check that its cooked. I might also try adding some almonds or walnuts next time just to change it up a bit 🙂

Such a great easy recipe for a Sunday night and now I have banana bread fresh and ready to pack as a snack for the coming week!

Happy Monday everyone!

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