Bump Diary #7 – 26 week update

dr seuss on pregnancy

How far along are you? 26 weeks and 5 days
How big is baby? This week baby is as big as a red cabbage. On average around 35.6cms long and weighing 760 grams and is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. With the network of nerves in baby’s ears being better developed, I’d better watch my language and words as baby can now hear our conversations heheh!

Body and changes:

Weight gain Feeling big but being more active this week after having some pregnancy Pilates sessions with Michelle Pilates together with following along with my dvd of Lizbeth Garcia that a friend gave to me when I was pregnant with Mr D!

Stretch marks My skin around my middle has been so itchy this past week and I’m really trying not to scratch it lots. I’ve already had to go out and re-purchase my Bio Oil and Palmers Stretch Mark butter and have been using it to relieve the itchiness. Also I think I’m starting to see a faint linea nigra start to appear (that dark vertical line) on my belly. This line is caused by those pregnancy hormones that are also the cause of darkened areolas – oh how sexy pregnancy sounds right now…not!

Sleep Been sleeping quite well this week! I think the freezing, cold weather in Melbourne right now has us all enjoying our warm abodes!

Maternity clothes? I’ve had to cut the top but of some of my opaque stockings so it’s they’re not too tight lol! – a tip I got from one of my fellow dance crew girlfriends who is also currently pregnant, 10 weeks ahead of me. Works fine and I’ve got so many pairs that I thought I’d just do that rather than buy specific maternity stockings. I can just buy new ones next winter 🙂

The Other Stuff: 
Since becoming pregnant I feel that my eyesight has become a little blurry when quickly looking up fro my book or mobile to check the train schedule details on those screens above the platform. I also notice blurriness when I quickly look up from my pc at work to try and focus on someone’s face in the distance – it takes my eyes a few long seconds to adjust. It was never like this before – my eyesight was really quite good. Apparently again, due to changes in hormones, metabolism, fluid retention, and blood circulation, eyesight is just one of our body functions that are affected during pregnancy.

26 weeks pregnancy update The Urban Ma blog
 Eating VitaGrain wholegrain crackers (sea salt and cracked pepper flavour) with slices of cheese on top.

Feeling pumped after pregnancy pilates sessions with my fellow pregnant dance buddies and our instructor Miche from Michelle Pilates.

Needing lots of cuddles with my little man. Because I can’t carry him anymore I feel like I need other ways to be close to him. So lots of cuddles sitting down and hugs are the best!

Wanting to just get rid of everything in the garage!! It’s feeling crowded with stuff and when we first built our home I said I’d never have a messy garage full of “stuff”…and now I do! It’s been so wet and cold lately that we haven’t been able to get anything done in that area of the house. Luckily hard rubbish collection is coming up – I’m taking it as a sign to make sure we get a move on and declutter like crazy!

Missing the warm sunshine

Watching hardly any Masterchef lately – been listening more to podcasts and reading pregnancy, fashion and home decor mags. Who got eliminated this week?!!

Bookmarking styling the bump pics on Instagram (Collab post coming up soon with tips on how to style the bump!)

Noticing people smoking all along the footpath right next to the buildings as I walk to work from the station 😦

Enjoying all the catch ups I’ve been having over the past week – I caught up with some girlfriends at Din Tai Fung in Emporium (blog post coming soon), some workmates over dinner and dessert, and was out and about on the weekend with some mama friends to celebrate the launch of the latest online mag Wonderful Mama and some special birthdays. I also got to see my cousin work the stage at the Miss Philippine Fiesta presentation night as she is one of the candidates this year!

Docklands The Library Melbourne
Off to Docklands library for a birthday party!
Docklands Library kids party function room
Look at the concentration on that face!
Michelle Pilates prenatal pregnancy pilates
Keeping active during our pregnancy – fellow Rewind Dance Crew member and I at 36 weeks and 26 weeks pregnant
The Urban Ma Madison make up
Madison helped doll up Lola on her birthday heheh!

D got to hang out with his cousins all day at their hotel in the city to have some fun during the last week of the school holidays – such pretty views of Melbourne city

Melbourne cinnamon scrolls pop up The Urban Ma blog
My talented cousin baking some super soft cinnamon scrolls! I didn’t realise how long they take to make having to let them sit and rest numerous times throughout the recipe.
The Urban Ma weekend wrap up 26 week pregnancy update
eekend wrap up – tried to take a selfie with our cute little guest who stayed over on Saturday night but D photobombed us! My other cousin in her gown for her presentation night and so lovely to meet Carla from Styling the Tribe.


More and more this week, D has just been surprising me with all the things he says. He’s no longer a little baby but a grown up toddler who is just chattering away so much! Tonight we got home from my aunty’s house where they have two dogs – one of them looks like Lassie! So pretty! Anyways we got home and Daniel saw Lando and he said “Lando looks sad…He needs two dogs so he’s happy” – He saw that my aunty’s two dogs were playing with each other and he wanted the same for our dog Lando lol!

#gratefuldaniel #7

Daddy: Daniel do you want to say thanks for anything today?
Daniel: No, I don’t want to say thank you for anything.
Daddy: Daniel…you have lots of things to be thankful for!
Daniel: No! Nothing! (see what I mean about him learning to say “no” lots now! Ugghh :/)
Daddy: Ok, well I want to say thank you for Daniel being a good boy, and thank you for mummy and baby and playing lots of cars with you.
Daniel: Oh! – thank you for my new race track and white car Daddy!


If you missed out on some of my posts last week, see here for the Kwak cinnamon scrolls we finally got to taste!! And here for last week’s #wellbeingwednesday quote. Or even better you can subscribe by leaving your email up there on the right hand side for email updates when I post something new.
Thank so much for all your continued support, comments and questions. Night! xx