Candied Bakery

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Candied Bakery, 81A Hudsons Road, Spotswood

After having lunch in Yarraville at a couple of food trucks, the family and I headed over the freeway to Spotswood to Candied Bakery as I was craving an almond croissant (as announced on my Twitter feed!). With baby having done some big business and needing a change in the car, I left the better half to fix it up and I hurried in to Candied before it closed.

Unfortunately there were no almond croissants left – all the more excuse to check this place out again! I ordered a flat white and a Nutella croissant and the chocolatey sweetness hit the spot nicely. The coffee went down a treat with my pastry and hopefully next time we visit this uber cool bakery it won’t be as rushed and we’ll get to sit down and enjoy the open space and aroma.

Candied Bakery on Urbanspoon

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